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Get Your Marketing Mojo Back!

Let’s go back to basics and get the foundations right for marketing.

We are running a FREE 5-day mini course to get your Marketing Mojo back and really get to grips with your marketing for your business.

We are reaching out to business owners who are now ready to get back on their feet and start marketing their business to the next level in 2024.

Our FREE five-day mini course reveals how you, the business owner, can get your marketing mojo back and come out with new marketing energy and ideas. You will start to take control of your marketing instead of feeling overwhelmed and not doing anything.

Our marketing FREEBIE will equip you with the following great tools

Come away with:

  • Marketing goals in place
  • Clear target audience
  • Defined products / services
  • Promotional Plan
  • Tools to measure marketing

Allow 30 minutes each day to watch the training videos and complete the worksheets.

Starting on Monday 15th – Friday 19th January 2024

  • Get your Marketing MoJo Back!
  • Live training every morning for 5 days
  • Worksheets to complete
  • On hand to answer any questions during a Live session in the evenings

We will discuss setting your goals, knowing your target audience, knowing your products/services, what marketing promotions will address your target audience and ways to see whether it’s working.

Everyone who gets involved in the free five-day mini course will gain a new focus on reaching their business goals through marketing. It brings together many of the techniques and tools I use with clients in a way that anyone can use for their own business.

Let’s go back to basics and get the foundations right for marketing.

Marketing Mini Course