What is a Marketing Mentor?
A marketing mentor is like an accountability buddy in some ways, but with that little bit more magic. They will help you think about the marketing for your business and what you want to achieve through marketing for your business. They will then recommend ways that you can market your business. But that isn’t all.
Your marketing mentor will then work with you to see how you are getting on with your marketing. They will check you are doing it and track your response and return on investment with you. They will work with you and hold you accountable to make sure you get done what you say you will.
When you run a business, it is easy to focus your energy on the business, not the business. This means your business continues as it is but will never grow or improve. You need to focus on the business to help it grow, attract new customers, and keep your brand out there.
So, what is a marketing mentor?
It is someone you can bounce marketing ideas off, someone that will keep your marketing in check with you and someone that will help you grow your business, through the right marketing tools.
Now you may be wondering why you should work with a marketing mentor and there are lots of reasons.
For example a marketing mentor can give you some real-world marketing advice. They work in marketing day in and day out for different businesses of different industries. They have done for many years. Your marketing mentor will be able to warn you of marketing pitfalls to avoid and teach you latest and newest marketing techniques.
A marketing mentor can also help you bridge the gap between marketing support and employing a marketing team within your business. Employing a dedicated marketing person within your business costs money and could be money you don’t have available. A marketing mentor can be that step in between for your business.
Marketing is a minefield, and it is constantly changing and evolving. Your marketing mentor will enable you to fast-track your learning and significantly impact your business.
Why not contact us now to see what we can do as a marketing mentor for you and your business? Contact Us – The Little Marketing Company