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What is SEO?

SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimisation, improves the quality and quantity of website traffic. It helps your business’s content rank higher on search engines. It is now one of the leading marketing channels used within a business.

Organic searches are the most prominent way for people to access online content. Therefore, well-thought-out SEO strategies are crucial for improving your website’s quality and quantity of traffic.

Benefits of SEO

  • It brings in more customers through organic searches
  • Encourages you to focus on user experience
  • Improves brand awareness
  • Creates a trustworthy web experience for customers
  • Keeps you informed
  • Trackable
  • It can be done on a budget

SEO Tips

Remove anything that slows down your website

A slow page frustrates users and can discourage them from buying your product. Buyers often associate a slow site with an untrustworthy one – no matter how good your intentions. Page speed is also vital to search engines – Econsultancy states that 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. So, if something is slowing your website down, but you don’t want to do without it. We recommend that you speak with a computer specialist or a technology company to find alternative solutions. That will benefit both the customers and the business.

Write for people first and search engines second

You can create SEO proof and compelling content to read. You do not have to write with singular keywords; instead, focus on how people engage with a particular brand, product or service and create content accordingly. It is crucial to remember that people resonate with people and not so much a brand, so win over the reader first and then pitch the product. You can successfully do this by zoning in on research and tone of voice to connect with people. For instance, being too assertive can deter people and being too passive will make people think you are not serious. So, it is all about finding the happy medium.

Images for SEO

To create compelling content for SEO, your blogs can’t just be about the text. Some people prefer to have a visual context to accompany their reading material. It is crucial that you take the time to research images for your writing and that you don’t just copy and paste from the internet. If possible, try using formats such as Canva – you can sign up for free, and they supply you with several social media templates – Alongside thousands of free images. Remember that every image you use presents an opportunity to add keywords to increase SEO.

Link your website to other relevant pages

People often defer from this because they think it is not good to divert people off your page onto someone else’s. The truth is readers will never forget the website that was valuable to them and the website that provided them with information when they needed it. Identify a few blogs written by other people with similar topics to yours and see if they accept guest posts. Make sure you research their writing styles and get familiar with the types of posts they publish so as you can plan relevant content and pitch the idea of writing for them. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds. So prepare to get some rejections, but remember that you will be getting coverage from a new audience, which will provide some great opportunities for everyone who says yes.

Pick relevant keywords

You should optimise keywords to match people’s searches. There are short keywords and long-tail keywords. You need to use both to stay on top of SEO – so if your business is in writing, a short keyword would be ‘writing’ or ‘blogs’. A long-tail keyword would be something along the lines of ‘best creative writing’, a specific search that you can leverage to your site – thus increasing SEO. Remember to refrain from being too obscure. It would help if you pre-empted words that people will key into a search engine. It is beneficial to plan out a calendar in advance. Taking the time to plan out topics and deadlines will ensure that your publishing is consistent. In addition, you should include keyword research in your weekly planning. Keyword research is used to see what topics your audience is thinking about and searching for. It is also essential to take note of the language and tone of voice used when they research said topic – so you can utilise this to your advantage. There are some great tools available – one of which is Google’s Keyword Planner, which is entirely free.


Quality and Quantity

The key to this is consistency. Content is a significant factor in high-ranking SEO, but not just any content will cut it. You need to provide quality content that is fresh, informative that pre-empts your readers want. You need to be able to do this regularly. So, update your website regularly and give visitors a reason to want to come back.

For more information on SEO and how to effectively use SEO to help your business, read this Beginners Guide to SEO from Moz, which outlines all the SEO you need to know.

Are you pleased with your website content and SEO? Are you getting enough traffic you’re your SEO and website? Perhaps you need more help with SEO – if so, give us a call or drop us a message We would be happy to talk you through some of the key elements involved with SEO and how to get your business seen.