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Get Planning Your Christmas Marketing

It is less than 60 days until Christmas. While none of us knows what Christmas will look like this year, it will still be going ahead, and it won’t be cancelled. You need to get planning your Christmas marketing. Think about how you will promote your products and services in the run-up to Christmas. However, also think about how Christmas could look for your business and your target audience if lockdown rules change or increase.

In this blog post, we have put together some things you need to think about when planning your Christmas marketing.

Have Fun With Your Christmas Marketing

Christmas marketing is and should be about having fun. It’s a fun time for everyone. This is a great chance to show a little of you and your team, behind the business. Whether it’s photos of a wreath on the door, gingerbread house making, or the family decorating the tree, have some fun with your posts and show who you are. You are your business, and people want to know who you are.

When To Start Planning Christmas Marketing

As an e-commerce business, you need to start in September or October to help boost those sales. However, if you’re a business selling services to other businesses, then plan your Christmas marketing for December.

Different Approaches To Christmas Marketing

While shop owners will be trying to get people in their doors and on their websites, other businesses approach their Christmas plans in different ways. For example, online business owners in the B2B sectors may be trying to get your attention through email newsletters and social media. However, estate agents, accountants and similar businesses will be attending parties and delivering gifts to their best clients. There is no wrong way to market at this time of the year, as long as you do something.

Think About Your Customer Journey

There is a clear beginning, middle and end to the Christmas customer journey. Think about how you can have fun with each of these periods. Work to boost the excitement at the start of the journey. Think about how you will engage and build a better relationship around the middle of their customer journey. Then the follow-up after Christmas is the end of the Christmas customer journey. By having the right end this year, your Christmas marketing will be easier next year.

Christmas Hashtags

Think about the Christmas hashtags you want to use in your Christmas marketing. Think about #ChristmasShopping #ChristmasGifts and more. Consider Xmas as well as Christmas. Could you create a hashtag for Christmas that is unique to your business? Think about the big brands and the hashtags and straplines they introduce for this festive season. What about New Year the next week? How will you slowly bring this into your Christmas marketing?


If you need help planning your Christmas marketing, call us now. We can plan it all out with you to ensure ultimate marketing success this festive period.