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Here at The Little Marketing Company we strongly believe that PR is important to small businesses. PR can help your brand tell your story and it can help you identify with your target audience. PR helps your business establish thought leadership. PR also helps builds authentic relationships, because PR stands for Public Relations and public relations is still at the heart of relationships.

PR can be a cost-effective way of marketing for a new or small business. It can also be incredibly valuable to advertise and publicise your business, services or products. PR marketing has multiple of benefits which include:

  • PR marketing helps you raise awareness of your business and brand; it tells the reader that you exist. A PR strategy can supplement any other channels that you are using, for example direct marketing and advertising.
  • PR marketing can also be used as new way of drawing in customers. When you gain press coverage for your business, you will gain creditability among your target audience. A positive news story such as winning an award, a new product or similar can really influence customers to purchase from your business instead of a competitor.
  • Good PR will also entice investors which can be essential in a small business looking to grow. A carefully planned PR strategy will generate positive media coverage and will put you in a strong negotiating position when you are speaking to potential investors.
  • Future employees will also be attracted to your business when they see that your business is marketed as an industry leader. You will appeal to individuals that want to be employed be a successful business, and this will help grow your business internally.

Here at The Little Marketing Company we can help you put a successful PR campaign together. One that will raise the authority of your brand, help you build relationships with key people and manage your reputation. In turn this will help you increase sales and gain more customers.

Our Recent PR Experience

We recently sent out press releases to the local press. These covered the launch of The Little Marketing Company and winning New Small Business of the Year, Peterborough. These press releases enabled us to be covered in many publications. The knock on effect of this PR was that we received more enquiries and customers.

Would you like us to help your business achieve similar results? Contact us to find out more.